Wifi Isp Service

Setup Your Own Wifi Isp Business In Your Location

Most People are not that satisfied with their internet service provider (ISP) is nothing new. Upto 38% of home internet users changed service providers for one reason or another in the three years prior to the study. The two main reasons for these changes were:

1. Price of Internet Service provided
2. Performance of Internet Service provided
From slow speeds to extensive downtime and exploitative early termination fees, people do not like feeling beholden to their internet service provider any more than they do their airlines. Perhaps the fact that there has been a significantly slower adoption of traditional broadband services in recent times is a testament to how much people typically abhor their ISPs across the globe.

A huge world’s population, now use their smartphones as their primary internet source at home.

At least over 75% of Nigerians use ONLY their smartphones as their preferred point of access to the internet.

What Does This Mean to the Entrepreneur?

It means there is a considerable gap in the ISP business niche. If you can find a way to provide people with high-speed internet and reliable, affordable broadband, there is a huge market out there ready for the taking. As price and performance are the two main complaints — if you can sort these issues out for people, then you can capture that market.

How To Start Your Own Wisp

To start your own ISP Business, you have to start thinking of how you can start small to offer an Internet service to the Large chunk of People who uses more of there Mobile Device to access Internet, since there are more population of People in this segment. Your Target Market will be more of

1. Business Owners
2. Mobile Internet Users
3. Institutions
4. Homes
5. Estates and lots more

Our Wifi Isp Business Setup Packages

Package 1- 20 - 50 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 750k)

Speculated Earning - N50,000 - N125,000 Monthly

Package 3- 200 - 300 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 3.5M)

Speculated Earning - N500,000 - N750,000 Monthly

Package 5- 700 - 1000 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 6.5M)

Speculated Earning - N1,750,000 - N2,500,000 Monthly

Package 7- 4000 - 10,000 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 10.5M)

Speculated Earning - N10,000,000 - N25,000,000 Monthly

Package 2- 100 - 150 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 1.5M)

Speculated Earning - N250,000 - N375,000 Monthly

Package 4- 400 - 600 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 5.5M)

Speculated Earning - N1,000,000 - N1,500,000 Monthly

Package 6- 1200 - 3000 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 8.5M)

Speculated Earning - N3,000,000 - N7,500,000 Monthly

Package 6- 1200 - 3000 Subscribers (Setup Cost: 8.5M)

Speculated Earning - N3,000,000 - N7,500,000 Monthly

  • +2347062940253, +2348096569797Mon-Fri, 9am until 6pm
  • info@mavlat.com.ngWe reply within 24 hours
  • Block 307A, DBM Plaza, Nouakchoff Street, Wuse Zone 1, Abuja

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