Database Classified by First Name, Last Name, Gender, Mobile Number, Date of Birth, Occupation, Polling Unit, RAC and Local Government
We have the Comprehensive list of GSM Number Database of People living and working in Ondo State grouped according to Local Government Area.
Ondo State GSM Number Database of people living and working in Ondo State. Reaching many people on the go has been simplified since the advent of bulk SMS, you can now reach any one that has mobile phone and companies and organization leverage on it to advertise their goods, services and events.
But the problem most time is getting active phone numbers that will enable you reach the right people that are your target audience.
Worry no more we have about 2,387,562 active GSM Number Database that you can use to advertise your goods, services or events, with our comprehensive GSM number database of people living and working in every Local Government Area in Ondo State, the sky will be your starting point.
Note: Some others will tell you to buy at a ridiculous price, but those numbers some times are not active and most of them generated the phone numbers with a FREE GSM NUMBER GENERATOR, the gsm number generator, generates random numbers and sometime most of the numbers may no longer be in use or some may not be activated yet and no one can tell exactly where the owners of the numbers are residing.
Don’t waste your hard earned money buying such numbers
Local Governments Areas (Section A)
Akoko North East 38,673
Akoko North West 40,238
Akoko south East 14,770
Akoko south West 48,234
Akure North 36,192
Akure South 222,108
Ese Odo 17,665
Idanre 33,464
Ifedore 43,384
Ilaje 46,204
Ileoluji okeigbo 35,264
Odigbo 60,740
Okitipupa 55,945
Ondo East 20,345
Ondo West 96,684
Ose 19,931
Owo 76,716
Section A; Classified by First Name, Last Name, Gender, Mobile Number and Local Government
Section B: Classified by First Name, Last Name, Gender, Mobile Number, Polling Unit and Local Government
Section C: Classified by First Name, Last Name, Gender, Mobile Number, Date of Birth, Occupation, Polling Unit, RAC and Local Government
Section A: 906,557
Section B:
Section C: 1,481,005
Total: 2,387,562
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