Kindly note that it takes only 5- 10 minutes to get Reloaded with Data once we receive your Request.
Are you struggling to get enough data for the whole Month, with Unlimited Heavy Downloads for your Business, Entertainment and lots more, but unfortunately your data isn’t enough, yet you keep Buying Data frequently.
With GuageTOPUP, you can access Unlimited Internet Data Monthly with a Fixed Rate of only N5,000 and without worrying about frequent downtime or Renewal.
1. Unlimited High Speed Internet
2. Access Internet anywhere within Nigeria
3. Access Internet Using Your Existing Line
4. Share Internet with your loved Ones
5. Use for Business, Organisation, Institution, etc
6. Unlimited Uploads & Downloads
7. Multiple Users Connection
8. Validity for 7 Days or 30 Days
Kindly fill the form below or Hit the Subscribe Via Whatsapp button below
Do you know you can earn upto N25,000 Daily just by refering People to Subscribe Monthly or Weekly to GuageTOPUP Unlimited Topup Internet Package.
All you need to do is just provide us with the details of your Contact Person and immediately we topup your referral you also get your Credit Immediately.